
Welcome to Cafe Trading! Follow these simple steps to get started with trading on our platform.

1. Sign Up or Log In

You can create an account or log in using any of the following methods:

  • MetaMask: Connect your MetaMask wallet directly.

  • Web3 Wallet Providers: Use WalletConnect or other supported Web3 wallets.

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Sign up or log in with your Google account or other SSO options.

2. Secure Your Wallet

Upon creating your account, you will be provided with a secret key for your user wallet on our platform. This key is crucial for your account security and will be displayed only once. Make sure to save it securely, as it cannot be retrieved later.

3. Deposit ETH

Once your account is set up, deposit ETH into your wallet on the platform. This ETH will be used for trading within the DEX.

4. Start Trading

With your wallet funded, you're ready to start trading! Explore our platform's features and trade effortlessly on decentralized exchanges.

Last updated